Landscape Architecture & Site Planning 7804 146th Ave NE - Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 451-8108 |
Salish Lodge
The project included a 150-stall parking lot with tour bus access and parking, terraced curved concrete retaining walls planted with trees
and vines, a 200-lineal foot covered pedestrian bridge over state Highway 202, site lighting and landscape.
The Salish Lodge is a private, luxurious, four-star regional resort facility containing 90 rooms, restaurant and cocktail lounge, meeting
and banquet rooms, retail shop and art gallery. The facility overlooks the Falls’ 350-foot vertical cliffs.
The project included a 150-stall parking lot with tour bus access and parking, terraced curved concrete retaining walls planted with trees
and vines, a 200-lineal foot covered pedestrian bridge over state Highway 202, site lighting and landscape.
Home / Hotel"W" /BCC / Overlake CC 7804 146th Ave NE - Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 451-8108